Wine and Winemaking Magazines
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Posted by: admin, on 3/5/2009, in category "The Sommeliers - Know what they know!"
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Location: Montreal, Qc, Canada
Abstract: Are you looking for magazine publications that are dedicated to the wonderful world of wine and winemaking? Click the title to discover what is available!

Do you enjoy reading about wines? Do like knowing how wines fair in the pallets of wine critics?

Below, you will find several links to many great wine publications that provides you with interesting information that pertains to the world of wine.

Wine Publications:

The Wine Spectator: (check to see which wines are rated highest, which new wines are turning heads, and many more interesting articles)

Food and Wine: (Want to learn more about wine and food pairings? This publication will allow you to experience the joys of food and wine in the courtesy of your own home as well as travel the globe to provide you with an in-depth look at food and wine in specific places and destination restaurants!

Winemaking Publications:

WineMaker Magazine: (Are you curious about home winemaking and general winemaking practices? This publication provides several techniques to make wines that you can be proud of. As a special treat, read up on their annual amateur winemaking competition and see how your wines fare against wines from all over North America.

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